church, cool, landon, randy marshman

>Bad days don’t happen to me; I happen to bad days. cool

>Today my husband and I spent our 20 minute drive to church having fun defining the word “cool.”


Crossing guard who takes her job way too seriously. cool.
Crossing guard who doesn’t take her job serious enough. not cool.
People that eat burritos. cool.
People that don’t eat burritos. also cool.
Acting like you’ve never been there before (especially in the end-zone). not cool.
Pronouncing french words correctly. cool.
Whale watching. debatable or depends on the whales that day.
Bike riding. cool.
Coffee before the age of 16. not cool.
Turning one. cool.

[happy birthday to my nephew: Landon Joshua ‘Turtle’ Gros]
Yes, he is G-Qute. Puns. cool

THEN– we tried to find patterns in order to develop a good definition. No luck. But then we arrived at church. cool.

apple, awesome, starbucks

>Criss Cross Applesauce…

>Today I sat at a coffee shop and was reminded about the smiles that a recent addition to my laptop can bring to strangers.

This was not the first time that a chuckle was granted by a random stranger at a Starbucks. This time, I actually picked up my Cinnamon Dulce Latte and hoisted it high into the air and with a ‘CHEERS’ type NOD, took a sip before returning back to its liquid coffee circle stain…I even said “applesauce…. ha!” as if I joined them in a first time appreciation of it. Today I was reminded of the joy of making the mundane creative.

A book that I bought a year ago reminded me of such things.

The Book of Awesome:

That last, crumby triangle in a bag of potato chips.locking people out of the car and pretending to drive away.the smell of gasoline.HIGH TENS. real bearded santas. strategic trick or treating.YOUR PILLOW. successfully moving your laundry from the washer to the dryer without dropping a single piece!

To see some friends [and family] acting out additional awesome things: click here.

applesauce…. ha!

hearst castle, photography, randy marshman, road trip

>i’ve decided to write a book

>So I decided about 2 months ago to write a book…

So far I’ve written 28 words…. THEREFORE… so far, i’ve written a status update.

This whole process has had its ups and downs…. one minute I feel stoked on an opportunity to tell ‘the truth’ through a book and the very next minute I question myself: who are you to think you have something to offer?
The difference between the two days… perspective.
Yesterday I questioned myself: is the world affecting ME [reminding my that I have nothing to offer unless I can be well known for being an exceptional author who is ‘well known for eloquence’ or at least impressive with her use of capacious words]
or will I affect the world? [speak truth. be honest. humble thyself].

I guess you could say I’ve developed a Thesis statement.

I can see my life as a list of ‘to-dos’ or focus on how life could get me down or I can see life as an adventure. An adventure such as a surprise roadtrip from my husband two weekends ago to visit Hearst Castle and take pictures of our entire surprise journey.
I guess ‘Above the Golden State‘ was right, today is a chance to love…

depending on how you view today!
randy marshman

>lifelong "buddy"


a few reasons why I love randy…
He loves the Lord well.

He loves people well.
He loves his family well.
He loves my family well.
He loves Nanny well.
He loves strangers well.
He loves ALL of the people that he interacts with well.
He loves me well.
And, I love the way he looks…well.

Randy would rather TAKE pictures than have pictures TAKEN of him…
[All of the pictures on this post are from our Honeymoon trip to St. Lucia]

I was once asked…

In a culture of convenience, what do you think is necessary to make a marriage last?
I have heard that passion, in its definition, has to do with sacrifice. I believed this as I imagined God’s passionate love for me being revealed through Jesus Christ’s Sacrifice. I desire for my passion for the Lord to be seen THROUGH my relationship with Randy. In other words, passionately loving the Lord through how I passionately love Randy means that I must sacrifice myself moment by moment. And in those moments when i’m not perfect, recognizing it and again seeing God’s grace through it… all in all making me passionately desire to Love the Lord again… through how I love randy… a win/win cycle if you will.


>cheers to MLK

>a friend of mine recently got married … A group of us rented a house off of VRBO for the weekend and chose to ‘make a weekend out of it’ [I love idioms/expressions such as ‘make a weekend out of it.’ It makes me feel grown-up-like. That is, until I use the word ‘grown-up-like’]
When the ceremony, dinner, and speeches had ended…DJ Pete Deeble got on the mic and the dancing began. A group of my girlfriends decided to re-live our high school days and ‘hit up the dance floor’ …. What can I saw: we dropped it low; we were in the club gettin tips’say [no wait, we weren’t]; we shook it all night long; we waived our hands up in the air sometimes.

And then… we drove home. About a week or so after the wedding, pictures started getting tagged on Facebook (typical). AND THEN… we discovered this GEM:

At first I loved that it expressed our joy from that evening… then I loved that it captured Mandy Long mid-snap..
Then, (Wait let me say it again)
THEN…I discovered something that has actually become an inside joke for the past few months among close friends…I discovered Ashleigh’s facial expression and pointing fingers in this picture. Ashleigh: the one with the ashsome facial expression just below me) You know, the one pointing at the camera.

What has occurred since the discovery of this picture….

After each normal group picture we take… we take a ‘Pointing Ashleigh’ picture right after.

See sample below from New Years Eve Prom 2011 below:This blog post is completely random but I must continue on with one additional thought…nay, one additional DREAM and in doing so… take this Joke even more ‘too far’ than it has already been taken the past 4 months…

Have you ever walked into one of those restaurants with framed pictures of their customers wearing their restaurant T-shirt all over the world? You know, typically the pictures look as if they were ONLY taken in the 80s?
Anyways, when I think of this picture of Ashleigh, I dream of one day telling everyone I know to take a picture imitating the Ashleigh face.. Then I would buy a restaurant, [obviously.. because this is a dream and I could do whatever I wanted… ride a dragon/ play tennis vs. a dinosaur/buy a restaurant/whatever]. I would call my restaurant “Ash Face,” and buy odd sized wooden frames in order to frame pictures of everyone doing the ‘Ash face’ all over the world… I have a dream…

Speaking of having a dream… cheers to MLK! Monday is for you!

angelina plastino, ashleigh ferguson, bachelorette, geneva milne, hike, jackie urquiza, katie hardeman, kimi gros, libby pecheur, megan benton, megan fate, paint, photo shoot, san diego

>Paint is great – soon to be no more Fate. [bachelorette weekend 2010]


So I once saw a photoshoot where a family started with a
B L A N K C A N V A S & colorful paint
when time came for my bachelorette weekend… I threw out that one suggestion….

step 1:
step 2-8

Final product…. well, eh! I guess [like life] it’s about the process after all.

Oh, and this picture would’ve been awesome if my pinky didn’t look like a nub.


Dear Taylor.ANN.Johnson,

Thanks for your help that day!

The girls from ‘theWEEKEND.2010’


>the cooking wife

>S O L A S T N I G H T I C O O K E D M Y F I R S T F U L L D I N N E R…

as a wife… [and maybe ‘as a person’ as well]

Yesterday went something like this…
Step 1. Call a trusted Italian Cook for a delicious Italian Recipe
Step 2. Leave message, patiently await returned call
Step 3. Answer the return call and confirm the fact that a recipe will be emailed soon.
Step 4. Get email
Step 5. Call Mom to translate the ‘this would all make sense if you knew how to cook like a normal person’ jargon
Step 6. Buy groceries.

Step 7. Chop veggies

Step 8. Take pictures
Step 9. Grab gum because I heard ‘if you chew gum, the onions won’t make you cry.’

Step 10. Grab my iphone to see who lied about the gum chewing myth.


Maria Hodsdon: Setting me up for success with wisdom of your Italian cooking ways.
Randy Marshman: Letting me know about the few major problems & in a loving way
Mom: Helping me to understand ‘bay leaves’
Vons Worker: For always pointing me in the right direction.

Quote of the Evening:
“Can I have more salad, I really don’t like the other stuff” – Parker
